Monday, January 15, 2007

Coffee House to Go - January 15, 2007

Coffee House to Go episode #19a.

ESC! Magazine's monthly Podcast for writers and the Small Press community featuring readings of poetry, short fiction, interviews and reviews as well as featured music from independent bands and musicians.

Opening music excerpt by Uma Floresta, "Almost Everything."

ESC! Magazine News:

ESC!Cast Network tech podcast for Macintosh users: For Mac Eyes Only

Across the Mic: New interview with author Michael Guy was released on January 10th.

Part 2 of CHTG Episode 19 is an hour long roundtable discussion of the hurdles facing small press authors, publishers and the mid-list author. Stay tuned for that, later this week.

This month's Literary Quiz and the answers to last month's.

RSS feed for PDF Edition of ESC! Magazine. Keep those e-mails and phone calls coming or visit our forums to discuss the show.

Poetry Reading:

MAKAR - As a Child

Featured Podsafe Music this episode:

MAKAR - Alligator Agents

Klyd Watkins - The Night Air Sweetened With Breezes


News provided by LB Sedlacek and The Poetry Market E-zine.

Sony Reader, "Poetry in the Lavatory", Doris and Elsie, "3Lights" Online Gallery, theMAKE, Strange Road.

Closing music excerpt by Simpatico, "Santa Claudia"

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CHTG_19a_20070115.mp3 (18'20 16.8mb 128kbps)


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