CHTG News: Stella Maris Productions Seeks Help With Poetry Contest
Help wanted to run a poetry contest. This is a paying position. Web site builder needed to design, organize and run a poetry contest website. Preliminaries for the contest would be length of poems
not more than 50 lines, 2 copies typed and mailed to judges along with entry fee. Would like to be able to offer online contest entry as well as mailed entry. Please note: this position does not include judging of poems. Please contact Marcia Salmond, Director Stella Maris Productions at: if you would like to discuss this position.
not more than 50 lines, 2 copies typed and mailed to judges along with entry fee. Would like to be able to offer online contest entry as well as mailed entry. Please note: this position does not include judging of poems. Please contact Marcia Salmond, Director Stella Maris Productions at: if you would like to discuss this position.
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This sounds excellent actually. I would definitely like more information about this project. I tried sending you an email but received an error page instead. I hope this gets to you in time.
Just in case my email address is:
I hope to hear from you soon. In case it makes it more enticing, I have worked with a literary agent in NYC. I am a poet and visual artist myself.
Hope to get in contact with you ASAP.
Best Regards,
Lillian Moya, at September 28, 2006 at 1:51 PM
Hi Lily,
I fixed the link so you should be able to contact them now.
Mike, ESC!Cast Network, at September 28, 2006 at 3:56 PM
I have fwded your info to Marcia in case you haven't gotten in touch with her. Thanks, LB
LB Sedlacek, Publisher, The Poetry Market Ezine, at October 14, 2006 at 3:09 PM
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