Coffee House to Go - December 9th, 2010 - The "Lost" Episode
Episode #48
Seriously ... Mike LOST this one! Can you say "ID-10-T"? Well we're not above saying it around here, and it certainly applies in this case.
And while the episode IS late, we hope you'll still enjoy LB's reading of her poem, "Fall".
Coffee House to Go is a Podcast for writers and the Small Press community.
Opening music excerpt by Uma Floresta, "Almost Everything."
Your Host:
LB Sedlacek - The Poetry Market E-zine and
Show Topics:
> Kids@Random
> Inside Google Books
> Wholesale Ebooks Sales Statistics
Links to Know:
> The Poet's Survival Guide
> The Poet's Survival Guide 2: In The Trenches
> Assume Nothing Press
> ESC! Magazine
> LB on Twitter and Facebook
Subscribe to our Podcast Feed or
Download the show here!
Running Time: 8:13
Seriously ... Mike LOST this one! Can you say "ID-10-T"? Well we're not above saying it around here, and it certainly applies in this case.
And while the episode IS late, we hope you'll still enjoy LB's reading of her poem, "Fall".
Coffee House to Go is a Podcast for writers and the Small Press community.
Opening music excerpt by Uma Floresta, "Almost Everything."
Your Host:
LB Sedlacek - The Poetry Market E-zine and
Show Topics:
> Kids@Random
> Inside Google Books
> Wholesale Ebooks Sales Statistics
Links to Know:
> The Poet's Survival Guide
> The Poet's Survival Guide 2: In The Trenches
> Assume Nothing Press
> ESC! Magazine
> LB on Twitter and Facebook
Subscribe to our Podcast Feed or
Download the show here!

Running Time: 8:13